Don’t just track your DE&I initiatives. Show that they’re worth every penny.

SAMETRICA’s platform integrates DE&I metrics, data collection, impact reporting to deliver dashboards your senior management team will love.
Evidence your DE&I impacts by collecting PIPEDA compliant data across the entire
organization and tracking change over time.

DE&I can be complex. Show change over time and progress against goals with real-time dashboards.

Measure your cost per outcome efficiency

Drilldown and filter your data


The SAMETRICA platform is made up of three micro-services to address your impacting reporting needs.

SAMETRICA’s Reporting & Analysis capability allows for a range of dynamic and compelling visualizations.
SAMETRICA Data Collector is a sophisticated data collection tool that allows users to collect, store and centralize data from multiple sources including surveys, data uploads and through application program interface (API) to other databases.
SAMETRICA Logic Model Builder provides a repository for impact frameworks, including all components related to inputs, outputs, activities, and outcomes and their associated metrics.

SAMETRICA + Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Answer the "so what" question
What happens when we create an equal playing field? Better jobs, better businesses, and better societies.
Quantify and demonstrate your DE&I impact in real-time across your organization.

"Developed in coordination with the Coalition of Innovation Leaders Against Racism, SAMETRICA's platform enables enterprises to demonstrate their DE&I impact in terms of dollars spent and created. This evidences the impact that DE&I commitments can have in transforming organisations and society."

- Anshula Chowdhury, CEO


Common Approach

SAMETRICA is one of two impact reporting platforms selected by the Common Approach to ensure adoption of its standard by social purpose organizations, which allows for interoperability between different impact reporting frameworks.

Social Value International

Social Value International is a global network focused on social impact and social value. As the first product certified by Social Value International, we are compatible and align with multiple reporting frameworks at once.

UN Global Compact

SAMETRICA is a participant in United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate social responsibility initiative with over 10,000 companies and 150 countries involved.

KPMG Review

KPMG completed a privacy impact assessment on SAMETRICA’s de-identification capability and found that responses collected using this feature are aligned with privacy best practices.

Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

SAMETRICA is a certified member of the CGLCC and a proud supporter of the LGBT+ community.

Want to learn more about SAMETRICA?


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