Our user-friendly platform enables you to map, measure, and grow your impact while meeting ESG & impact reporting requirements.

Empowering asset managers, our platform ensures trustworthy ESG and impact analytics at scale, freeing up your time to implement investment strategies without the burden of compliance.

Why Work With SAMETRICA?

SAMETRICA is a leader in Impact & ESG Reporting, helping investment firms map, measure and visualize their ESG performance so they can grow the environmental and social impact of their investments.

Asset managers around the world measure more than $100B in assets through SAMETRICA that are driving positive impact for people and the planet.

End-to-end reporting system

Spend more time analyzing your results and putting your ideas into action

Real-time reporting

See your data update as it becomes available. Nothing beats seeing your impact as it happens.

Due Diligence

Conduct ESG and impact due diligence on potential investments.

Set Targets

Set and track targets across your portfolio, fund, and with each portfolio company.


Access private and public market benchmarks, as well as leveraging benchmarking within your own portfolio.


Clients Using Sametrica

SAMETRICA’s team is deeply knowledgeable about the latest impact management standards, and helped our team map the deep impact our early-stage companies are having to IRIS+ metrics, Sustainable Development Goals, and more.

Eva Yazhari

Co-Founder & CEO
Beyond Capital

Holistic and credible impact reporting. SAMETRICA is a powerful and easy to use impact measurement and management Saas platform. By leveraging SAMETRICA’s technology we were able to work with partners to collect and share strategic impact data that enabled decision making.

Helina Name

Harvest Impact Development Lead, Canada

Fantastic! The team was incredibly responsive and competent. We had a unique and complex challenge and at every step we were met with an enthusiastic and capable can-do attitude.

Emily Name

Harvest Impact Development Lead, Canada

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Meet with the Business Development Team

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